Prepare A Janitorial Checklist That Will Support A Clean Working Environment


Frequent cleaning will minimize dust buildup and will promote a healthy work atmosphere. Prepare a janitorial checklist that is based on the frequency with which equipment and furnishings need to be cleaned at your place of business.

Janitorial Services

Janitorial services that are conducted at your place of business will provide you and your employees with safe working conditions. A professional janitorial crew can be hired to perform cleaning duties on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Before you prepare a janitorial checklist, consult with a representative of a commercial cleaning business. Inquire about the types of cleaning services that are offered. Request information about the cleaning products and equipment that the cleaning staff uses. During your consultation, you will be given a quote for each cleaning service that is of interest.

Cleaning Tasks

It is important to prepare a list of services that you would like your new cleaning crew to handle. The crew can refer to the list during each cleaning session that they conduct at your place of business.

By furnishing an overview of the cleaning tasks that you would like performed, you will not need to worry about any maintenance tasks being overlooked. You will also not need to be concerned about being charged for a cleaning service that you did not officially hire the janitorial crew to handle.


After you have prepared a list of the cleaning tasks that a professional crew will be responsible for, determine the frequency in which each cleaning service will be conducted. High-touch surfaces, including desks and reception furnishings, should be cleaned each day. Deep cleaning and heavy dusting can be performed weekly or on a monthly basis.

The amount of business that is conducted at your office may influence how often you will need to schedule your cleaning crew to perform janitorial services. Once you have outlined the frequency of the cleaning tasks, schedule a follow-up consultation with a representative of the cleaning company that you will be hiring.

Go over the schedule and cleaning tasks with the representative of the cleaning company.


If you plan on furnishing specialized cleaners and equipment for your janitorial crew to use, schedule time to perform an assessment of the area where you will be storing the materials. During the assessment, take inventory. Order replacement cleaning materials and equipment as needed. This will allow your janitorial crew to perform their job duties without delay. 

For more info about janitorial services, contact a local company. 


23 August 2023

Talking About Cleaning

Hello, my name is Kirk. Welcome to my website about cleaning. When I developed asthma, I had to figure out the best way to manage my health. Since my asthma worsened with exposure to allergens, I had to dedicate myself to deep cleaning my home on a regular basis. I learned a lot about keeping my home clean using natural products and methods. I also utilize cleaning services when I cannot perform the work myself. I would like to help others learn how to keep their home clean and tidy on their own and with professional help. I hope you will follow along to learn all you can about cleaning your home. Thanks for visiting.