Is A New Baby Causing Your Dog To Urinate On The Carpet? 2 Ways To Bring This To An End


Carpets should normally be cleaned every year to year and a half, but children and pets can increase the frequency in which you need to get professional services to maintain cleanliness. If you just had a baby, your household may be adjusting, and your dog may have recently started urinating in the house. This is likely a difficult time for your dog with a new family member that gets a lot of needed attention. It is also stressful for you because you must focus most of your time on the baby, but you want to fix the issue. To minimize the need to get carpet cleaning to eliminate odor, you should try out a few possible solutions.

Routinely Exercise Your Dog

Exercise is essential to your dog's happiness, so you should do everything you can to continue exercising them, even right after having a baby. Taking several short walks around the block might do the trick. It is worth picking up a stroller or baby wrap carrier that you can use to start walking immediately. If your dog needs more exercise than you can handle by walking around the neighborhood, you should consider bringing them to doggy daycare every once in a while, or taking them to a local dog park.

Another option is to simply exercise your dog at home. Heading out in the backyard and playing fetch or even setting up an obstacle course that you can direct them to run through can help. This is a great solution because you can give them exercise at any point throughout the day. It is also nice to play with them in the backyard as this is where they likely urinate, so they are more likely to do it outside. Just make sure to clean their paws before they come inside to avoid dirtying up the carpet.

Keep Them Involved

It is important to keep your dog involved with as much as your family life as possible. You do not have to give your dog direct attention for them to feel involved. For instance, changing diapers with your dog right next to you can give them the socialization they need to not feel left out with a new baby at home. Introducing your dog slowly and steadily in the beginning is a crucial first step, and then you can feel better about spending time with your dog and baby while they are in the same general area.

Going through bottles of pet stain removal can be tiring and introduce a lot of chemicals into the air. Giving these potential solutions a shot will improve your family life and your dog's happiness. Eliminating their urine issues will allow you to return to cleaning the carpets on a standard schedule. To learn more about how you can keep your carpets clean, contact a company like All Star Carpet Cleaning


27 July 2016

Talking About Cleaning

Hello, my name is Kirk. Welcome to my website about cleaning. When I developed asthma, I had to figure out the best way to manage my health. Since my asthma worsened with exposure to allergens, I had to dedicate myself to deep cleaning my home on a regular basis. I learned a lot about keeping my home clean using natural products and methods. I also utilize cleaning services when I cannot perform the work myself. I would like to help others learn how to keep their home clean and tidy on their own and with professional help. I hope you will follow along to learn all you can about cleaning your home. Thanks for visiting.