Preparing Your Home For A Big 4th Of July Bash: Maintenance And Cleaning Tasks To Tackle


When summer comes around and you are looking forward to fun in the sun with friends and family, cleaning and home maintenance may not be at the top of your to-do list. However, if you are planning to host a big 4th of July Bash in your home (and backyard), that may all change. Get to know some of the maintenance and cleaning tasks that you should tackle before the 4th so that you can be sure that your home is ready and looking fabulous before your guests even arrive.

Hire a Carpet Cleaning Service

Deep cleaning your carpets may not seem like a fun summer task for you to take on. However, you want your carpets and floors to be spotless and clean when your guests arrive (especially if they have kids that will be playing on your floors).

Carpet cleaning services are the answer to your dilemma. You can get all of the carpets in your house expertly cleaned in a single day. Hiring a service will save you time and hassle so that you can put your energies to other preparatory tasks while also giving your home that like-new look you want your guests to remember.

Consider Interior and Exterior Repainting or Touchups

Along with your carpets, your home's paint job, both inside and out will be one of the most noticeable and eye-catching elements to your guests. If you plan to host the majority of the festivities outside, as is custom for 4th of July bashes, you will want to be sure that your exterior paint job looks its best. You also want to be sure the rooms that your guests will use the most inside your home (kitchen, bathrooms, living room, and guest rooms) are looking great.

The first step you should take is to closely inspect the paint in these areas. Look for any signs of color fading, chips, peeling paint, stains, or other damage or discolorations. If you only have small spots where the paint is chipped, you may be able to get away with some very careful paint touchups to cover those spots. Additionally, if you are looking at damage to the paint inside your home, a small spot can be covered with a strategically hung photograph or piece of artwork.

However, if you notice a great deal of damage or discoloration, you will likely want to repaint those areas entirely before your big party on the 4th. You want to show your guests a good time in a home that you take pride in and can show off. A fresh coat of paint in key areas throughout your home (and on the exteriors) can go a long way towards achieving those goals.

Now that you know a few of the ways that you can prepare your home for your 4th of July bash, you can get started as soon as possible to make sure your home looks the best it can for the big party day.

For more information and tips, talk with paint services or a local carpet cleaning company, such as Darling's Carpet & Floor Care.


17 May 2016

Talking About Cleaning

Hello, my name is Kirk. Welcome to my website about cleaning. When I developed asthma, I had to figure out the best way to manage my health. Since my asthma worsened with exposure to allergens, I had to dedicate myself to deep cleaning my home on a regular basis. I learned a lot about keeping my home clean using natural products and methods. I also utilize cleaning services when I cannot perform the work myself. I would like to help others learn how to keep their home clean and tidy on their own and with professional help. I hope you will follow along to learn all you can about cleaning your home. Thanks for visiting.